The North Umpqua River is stunning, but when the water rises so does the risk. Picture this, the flow goes from a low of around 1000 cfs(cubic feet a second) to a roaring 5000+cfs after the rain, and we all know how the rains are here in Oregon. That is the difference between the lazy river ride and the x-games!
What high water means for you:
Currents on steroids! Stronger, faster, and pushier water with fewer eddies. Swims could be long.
Surprise logs and debris! Think natures version of dodgeball but with real consequence. You need to be head on a swivel when there is extra debris after a storm. A good tip is to wait till the river has peaked and is on the drop before going out.
Crumbly riverbanks! Erosion happens and that scout edge might not be as stable as you think it is. Don’t forget land based safety!
Some quick tips for staying out of trouble:
Know the flow! There are gauges everywhere and there’s no reason not to know the flow. There are even a lot of prediction sites that predict the flow for you. If you are a new boater this is a key aspect to understand so you know what you are getting yourself in to. Here are the links for the upper river and one for the PNW forecast site.
Don’t be afraid to grab a burger instead! Don’t let your ego or your buddies get you into trouble. Be honest with yourself about your abilities and push your limits with a good crew and safety.
Fun fact, a cubic foot of water weighs 62 pounds! Multiply that by 5000 and you’re facing over 300,000 pounds of water rushing by every second!
Starting January 1st we will be offering winter trips flow dependent. If you haven’t experienced the bigger water of spring or just the beauty of the winter/spring trips give us a call and we will set your group up on a safe high water adventure with all the gear!!!!